A bus shuttle service, called the UCT Shuttle, is available free to all UCT students and staff.
A fleet of 26 buses, including a special one for disabled passengers, operates between residences, all UCT campuses and some public bus, train and parking facilities close to the university.

UCT Shuttle buses run to a strictly controlled schedule. Each bus is fitted with a monitoring system that allows its location to be constantly checked.
The UCT Shuttle app can be downloaded for Android and iOS. To access the app use your standard issued UCT system login details (staff/student number and current password).
Route maps and timetables
Staff timetable | Student timetable
The scheduled service is available on weekdays, weekends and holidays, during both term time and vacations. It also includes a late-night service.
Timetables are posted on UCT Shuttle notice boards.
The UCT Shuttle is available only to the UCT community and you can be sure of safe, friendly, clean and comfortable transport at all times.
The buses are environmentally friendly and cater for sight- and hearing-impaired students.